I got up at around 9:45am and stuck on tracksuit bottoms and a top then took my puppy to the vets because she had something stuck in her stomach:(

When I arrived back it was around 10:30am, I went upstairs..

•picked out what I was wearing for today

-cream jumper, with old photographs on it

-black biker leggings

-grey ugg boots

•I took off any excess makeup I had on using garnier fresh green tea facial cleansing wipes.

•I got into the shower

-in the shower I used a green apple shampoo

-a clean&clear daily facial scrub

-pink berry body wash

•I dried myself off and got into my clothes

•I got my makeup on( I will do a makeup routine on another blog)

Finally I was ready!

Me, my mum, my sister and my nanny went into the city for lunch, we went to Chiquito, a Mexican restaurant! I had a spicy pasta, it was yummy!

then we went into the shops, we went to River Island, a phone shop, H&M and Argos.

We went to one final shop, it was only a food shop but:(

Then we came home and I watched a movie with my sister, we watched Elf!

I got into my cosy pyjamas and snuggled up with a cup of hot chocolate and went to bed:)

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    December 2013

